Cama Beach Weekend

February 26, 2014

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Recently my dad was in town for a visit. It was the perfect time to explore Washington and head to some weekend locations that have been on my list for quite some time. I discovered Cama Beach State Park about 2 months after moving to Seattle and I guess I sent the link to my dad because he suggested it based on the link I emailed. I was pretty pumped! Way to go me for planting that seed even if I don’t remember having done so.

We drove up Friday after picking Walker up from the testing center (he passed another one of his actuarial exams making the weekend even more celebratory) and arrived after dark. At Cama Beach they don’t allow you to drive your car up to the cabins so they provide a shuttle, although the walk is short. We all joked about the shuttle making us feel like we were at an amusement park-a rustic one. It added to the intrigue though for sure. The cabins themselves are adorable. I probably spent the first 15 minutes saying how much I loved it! We are also right on the water so the view was amazing which we got the full effect of the next morning.

During the weekend we laid in the sun, toured the center for wooden boats, took a hike, saw the nearby lodge, walked along the shoreline and played games in the cabin. It was relaxing and beautiful and I’m already planning my next trip out there. Cama Beach did not disappoint and was better than I imagined. I love when that happens.

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