Tag Archives: Seattle

Seattle: a departure

June 11, 2012

A while back when I announced that Walker got a job in Seattle I also mentioned my summer plans. That went a little like this. I would go with Walker to Seattle when he moved there for a visit. Then he would stay and I would go back to Austin. At the end of June I would go back to Michigan to be with my family and then move myself to Seattle in the fall.

It all sounded perfect except for the part where I wouldn’t see Walker for a few months. I think the reality of that didn’t catch up with us until the evening I was heading out (last night). We had spent so much time taking care of last minute details before we left and then spending 11 days together exploring Seattle and having so much together time. It was so fun and wonderful and then bam it was the day I was flying out.

Of course I was already super sad but it really hit me when Walker started asking when I would be back to visit and when I’d be moving out there. That’s when I question why we’re doing it this way even though we’ve already figured that out. Of course it makes since for the reasons we’ve discussed but does it make sense to miss each other this much? Right now it feels like no.

Walker escorted me to the link rail and after many tearful goodbyes we were and are on our own for a little while. It makes me more sad than I can say and my eyes are welling up again just typing this.

I was doing my best to hold back tears on the way to the airport and for the most part I was successful. For the most part. I had a lot of extra time at the airport so I was calm despite the long security line. It was especially nice when the girl in front of me started to chat. It was perfect timing really and a great distraction. We chatted all the way until we parted to go to our gates. Then she hugged me. Isn’t it wonderful how nice strangers can be? Just when I needed a friend I had one.

Now I must return to Austin and tidy things up and have even more goodbyes before I can begin my summer in Michigan. For a person that resists change there sure is a lot of it happening right now.

Seattle: a day on bainbridge island

June 8, 2012

I had a list of things I wanted to do while I was here and one of those things was riding on a ferry. We had plans the first few days we arrived but then I started planning the rest to make sure there was time for it all. For the ferry day we decided it would be fun to check out Bainbridge Island. Also I chose the one day of the week it was not supposed to rain. Woo!

Despite the partly sunny skies it was still a bit brisk outside and even more so once the ferry started moving. We stood out on the deck for as long as we could handle it.

Once we got on the island we weren’t quite sure what to do and also we were limited by where our feet could take us. First things first though, we ate. We split a delicious and rather large omelette at a diner on the Island. The jam we piled onto our biscuit was my favorite. mmm. Then we just strolled around the downtown area walking in and out of shops. It wasn’t quite what I had pictured but it was alright.

Once we had exhausted the downtown area we just decided to start wine tasting, that is always a good time. We tasted at two places and by the time we were done we had to book it to catch the next ferry. On the way back we ate our cheeses, fruit, and bread that we had carried all day hoping to have a picnic on the island. It didn’t quite turn out the way I was thinking but we had a great time and I think riding the ferry was worth it.


Seattle-mini post

June 6, 2012

We had a super full day yesterday despite the first day of real rain and, for us, really cold weather. It was probably 50 degrees all day and then dropped even lower at night. I didn’t get around to writing a full post but here is a snippet of our day and I will share more soon!