Tag Archives: Seattle

Hello seattle i’m here

September 5, 2012

I’m in Seattle now! Yesterday was such a crazy day. I woke up at 4 in the morning to get ready and head to the airport with all of my heavy bags. After 5 and a half hours of flying I arrived in Seattle where Walker sneaked up on my in the airport and gave me a big hug. We then drove to the apartment. Our friends who just moved out to Eugene, OR from Texas had been visiting Walker for the weekend. There was just enough time to have a coffee (or spiced cider in my case) and plan out Thanksgiving before they had to head off.

Back at the apartment I looked around, it being the first time I had seen it in person, and checked things out. I was also really tired from flying all day and hungry and rather overwhelmed to be now living in Seattle. Yesterday was a big day emotionally and physically (perhaps still just a little bit today), there was a lot to take it. This is the big city kids. A lot bigger than Austin and a whole heck of a lot bigger than my small town in Michigan. It’s going to take a fair amount of getting used to. I’m excited and terrified at the same time. Ha!

I would have been content to just fall asleep as soon as I got to town but instead we played frisbee in the park, had brunch at a pretty neat little restaurant (of which there are so many), went grocery shopping, stumbled upon a place that sells herbs so we got all the root herbs to make root beer, and then finally went home to make dinner together for the first time in our new place. It was a pretty fun day too and boy was I happy when I finally layed my head on the pillow to fall asleep. What will the coming days bring?

Seattle-what i wore wednesday

June 13, 2012

On this particular day the weather was a bit cooler so I layered a bit on our walk to the International District to find some Pho. Walking by this area I  talked Walker into taking a couple of pictures and I really like how they turned out.

Jacket: J. Crew

Cashmere sweater: garage sale

Grey Dress: thrift store

Tights: Maggie’s organic

Flats: J. Crew

Watch: Nixon

pleated poppy

Seattle-odds and ends

June 12, 2012

Here are the last few pictures from Seattle (except the what I wore in Seattle post tomorrow). Some are from Walker’s camera and some are from mine.

One from the ferry ride we took.

I love dogfish head beer and we found some we both hadn’t tried yet. Fun!

Ezell’s fried chicken, apparently a favorite of Oprah.

At the locks in Ballard.

Fried donuts from the farmer’s market.

Watching a pelican fish.

Beautiful blue tiles.

Waiting for a bus.

I couldn’t resist eating these fries one last time (for now that is).