Seattle-odds and ends

June 12, 2012

Here are the last few pictures from Seattle (except the what I wore in Seattle post tomorrow). Some are from Walker’s camera and some are from mine.

One from the ferry ride we took.

I love dogfish head beer and we found some we both hadn’t tried yet. Fun!

Ezell’s fried chicken, apparently a favorite of Oprah.

At the locks in Ballard.

Fried donuts from the farmer’s market.

Watching a pelican fish.

Beautiful blue tiles.

Waiting for a bus.

I couldn’t resist eating these fries one last time (for now that is).


2 thoughts on “Seattle-odds and ends

    1. ohsoantsy Post author

      They were pretty interesting but the black and blue wasn’t as good as I hoped, the Saison was pretty complex but maybe too weird tasting, the Sah’tea was the best. It was pretty good, of the 3 I would recommend this one.


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