Did you know that nearly 5 years ago Oh So ANTSY was born? On January 31st, 2011 I was living in Austin, Texas and I was over at my boyfriends (husband now!) apartment and I was determined to get an Etsy shop set up.
Just prior to that a friend asked if I’d like to share a booth with her at a local craft show. She suggested I knit some items but I knew that would take way too long. I suggested I used my new jewelry making skills from a class I had taken over the summer. I got to work creating and I was really motivated. I decided I would do it all so that I looked like a legitimate business when I was selling at the show. The first step was getting an online shop up so I’d have a place to send people (since of course they’d be raving about all my designs) and also I needed a name.
I sat down, opened up Etsy, and navigated to the “sell on etsy” page. I was so nervous and excited. I had no idea what to do and I didn’t even have a name picked out. What I did know was that before midnight I would have some version of a shop set up. It was such a big moment for me that I knew I wanted to share it with my birthday month.
At the time I wanted my name to be super clever and all encompassing so I could sell any number of things. I also wanted it to be math related since I have a degree in Mathematics. I had some clever name in mind but it was taken so I went back to brainstorming. Finally I settled on IntegrativeCreations! Awesome! It’s pretty funny now but at the time I thought it was great! With a name finally chosen I could officially set up my shop. I added what few items I had made and photographed and called it a night.
Part 2 will be heading your way later this week. If you’d like to see how my shop looked back then head to my recap of year 1 in business.
Now for the even more exciting stuff! To celebrate OhSoANTSY’s 5 years I’ll be giving away a World Map Necklace! It comes in sterling silver or gold fill and you’ll have your choice of which you’d prefer. To be entered to will all you have to do is comment below and tell me: If you could choose any place to travel to, just for fun, where would it be and why? Giveaway ends on January 30th and I will be sharing my favorite answer and winner on January 31st! For another entry find me on Instagram (ohsoantsy) Good luck!
Also just a heads up! Make sure to sign up for the newsletter (it’s free) and I’ll be sharing a super special newsletter only surprise at the end of next week! Don’t miss out!