My 30th birthday celebration

January 13, 2014

As you should remember by now my birthday is on January 1st! I planned our Christmas trip home to include my birthday so I could celebrate my 30th with my family since I knew getting a group of friends together at this time of year would be practically impossible (but by now I’m sort of used to it).

My sister found this amazing winter park with a toboggan run. When she said they had toboggan’s I pictured taking it down a sledding hill but when I saw the track I knew we were in for a real fun time. My first time down was so awesome (seriously if you hear of one of these where you live you must go!) all 3 of us (yes we crammed 3 people on) screamed the entire way down. Luckily they have 2 tracks that make a loop so you just hop on the 2nd one and you’re back to the beginning. The group of us alternated who rode with who and it was fun to see who went the farthest.


IMG_3369 IMG_3362 IMG_3403
^Ready? Set. Go! IMG_3404
^Then we did a bit of sledding.IMG_3405
^And my mom thought it would be fun to recreate the last time we went sledding together (where by holding her feet out a whole ton of snow sprayed directly in my face-the only difference here is that she threw it in my face-thanks mom!)IMG_3408 IMG_3371
^We did just a little ice skating because everyone was getting cold so that didn’t last long- plus I forget how much it hurts my ankles. DSC_8408
^Later on my cake was brought out with the 30 candles I requested be on top.
^I made a wish…DSC_8411
^and blew out every single…DSC_8412

I’m not sure how I feel about 30 just yet but it was nice to know that I could still have a birthday that surprised and delighted me. That’s a good start.

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