I’m turning 5 today! Ah! It feels really special to hit this milestone. I’m thrilled that I’ve been able to stay in business this long but it does have me wondering about what will come next for me and my shop. There have been a lot of shifts and turns along the way and I’m finally starting to feel comfortable with a few of those shifts but I’m sure things won’t stay the same for long. Thank you so much for supporting my shop along the way and thank you for being here!
Leading up to today I’ve been sharing bits and pieces of my journey and today I’m sharing part 3. For now there is no final part since things are still going along but it’ll be the last in this series. Head over to part 1 and part 2 if you want to catch up.
Last time I mentioned that my shop finally got it’s current name: OhSoANTSY. I’m still happy I chose it and I feel it fits really well. The next most significant thing to happen to the business was a move.
Walker (my boyfriend at the time) was applying for jobs in different cities when he was offered a job in Seattle. I encouraged it but he was pretty sure he wanted to take it. I had been living in Austin, where we met, for 4 years and he was from Austin but we were ready for a change. I made the decision to go with him and with that I had to decide what to do about a job and my business. I’m not sure if I mentioned it but all along while OhSoANTSY was getting started I had a full time job at the University of Texas.
I knew I would be leaving my full time job and I finally came up with this plan. Walker was leaving in June to live in Seattle. I would leave Austin and spend a couple of months in Michigan with my family and join Walker in Seattle. All the while running my business full time without a backup job of any kind. I figured if I was leaving my job anyhow I could see how things went with just OhSoANTSY deal with getting another job if the need arose. It was a pretty big adjustment but it did give me time to learn a lot more about running a business and how I could use my time to grow it and reach more people.
It’s been 3 1/2 years since I made that move and things have changed a lot in that time. I think the most significant change was finding a greater sense of confidence in myself and my business.
We’ll see what happens next…
Now what you’ve all come to find out! The winner of the World Map Necklace giveaway is…
Lovelylittlewhimsy: I would love to go to Ireland… it’s always been high on my list! to wind through the grassy hillsides and drink a pint in the pub and soak up the culture.
Alright lady send me an email at ohsoantsy (at) gmail (dot) com and let’s chat! Can we all ask to see pictures of your trip when you make it there?!