Category Archives: Weekends

Texas football game day

September 5, 2013

Well I guess it’s that season again. I’m not a huge football fan but over the weekend we had some friends in town that all went to UT (University of Texas) with Walker and they were strutting their pride around town. I have a little pride after working for UT for 4 years but it’s not quite the same. It was fun though. After some Paseo sandwiches and beer tasting we headed to the Texas alumni bar to watch the game.

The rest of the evening people kept asking if we were from out of town. I guess if a group of 5 is mostly matching it means tourists. I get that. We set them straight though as well as letting them know about our love for Texas.

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Labor day weekend

September 4, 2013

This year our friends from Eugene drove up to spend the weekend with us. They were here this same weekend last year but I didn’t arrive until Monday so I was only able to say hello and then they were off. This year was great because I was here for the whole weekend. Our other friend who just moved to town also joined in the fun and it was such a great weekend.

We laughed so hard, stayed up later than usual, played games, ate good food, and tasted lots of Seattle beer. I was exhausted after the weekend and happy to just sit down and relax. It was so worth it though. Spending time with good friends in the best.

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My farmers market finds

August 30, 2013

If you’ve been following me for any amount of time it’s probably pretty apparent that I love the farmers market. Love it! If you didn’t know, then I’m guessing you do now.

Whenever I make it to the market I try and stretch my money as far as I can making sure I get a wide variety of produce that is organic. Here are finds this week purchased for $21.35.


I purchased:

-cherries, pickling cucumbers, yellow squash, zucchini, corn, tomatillos, tomatoes, ground cherries, and 3 pds of potatoes.

My tips for stretching your money:

-I always walk the entire length of the farmers market before purchasing a single thing. (This might be hard if your market is huge but maybe you could do it in sections)
-Make sure to note the prices of the items you are looking to buy, scoping out what might be the best deal.
-I will usually look for a cheaper by the pound price and avoid the per/unit prices. I like to control how much of something I get.
-If you keep your prices low on most items you can splurge a little on something unexpected.

Have fun! I always love looking at all the colors and the pretty flowers and seeing what’s newly in season. Let me know how you do!