Camping in alabama

August 28, 2014

alabama camping crazy fire alabama camping fire alabama camping kittie alabama camping kitties 1 alabama camping shower alabama camping sparklers alabama camping trash can warrior

During my first visit to Alabama we also went camping on Walker’s sister and brother in law’s land. This was a slightly fancier version of camping. They installed an outdoor shower with privacy on one side and the other side it open so you can look at the trees and feel at one with nature while showering (it was pretty cool). They also set up a cooking and sink area (where the sink has running water and a filter). All these things combined made it just a little easier to be out there for 3 days.

We spent most of our time around the “living room” of camp-the fire. When I wasn’t there I was in my hammock reading and napping-I did a lot of that. The weather was a bit cooler than expected so it was pretty comfortable in the mid 70’s. We did swim a couple of times but with small children it didn’t last long.

We were actually there for the 4th of July and I really wanted to do one of those word pictures with sparklers. I was really bad at it either going to fast or too slow. The one above that says Walker was one of the best and it was maybe outtake 5 or 6.

My favorite part about the camping trip was having 4 kitties along! It was so cool because they wouldn’t venture far but you’d see them jumping around camp and hiding in the wood pile or cuddled up on a chair. Walker and I got pretty close to one of the small black ones because we’d bring him in our tent to sleep and he was the sweetest. Kitty cuddles are the best and I highly recommend kitty camping.


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