When I first left my home state 6 years ago I had no idea how much I would miss it. When I first started OhSoANTSY I was really looking for a way to feel more connected to home and the people I love. What I didn’t realize at the time was that I was certainly not alone. Through my journey I’ve met so many people who were also looking for reminders of people and places they love. I’m looking forward to sharing some of my stories and well as some of the ones I’ve heard along the way. First up is my love letter to my home state: Michigan.
What is your connection to Michigan? Why is it special to you?
I was born and raised in Michigan and I lived there until I was 25. It’s where my parents and grandparents are from. I was born in Grosse Point, Michigan. We lived in St. Clair Shores and Bay City before we moved to northeastern Michigan where I spent most of my years. My mom lives on the west side of the state and I went to college in Kalamazoo (WMU). My dad and I have taken numerous trips to the upper peninsula and each time I fall more and more in love with it’s uniqueness and beauty. My mom and I take an annual camping trip to the Sleeping Bear Dunes area and even though we basically do the same thing every year I always find something new and I never get sick of the views. I have countless memories in Michigan and to me it’s one of the most beautiful places because it’s home.
I’m sure you have many stories but can you share a special memory?
When we were growing up my dad decided that instead of presents he would gift us a memory. Basically one of us would choose a trip and we’d go on it together. For my 18th birthday I asked to go on a family history tour of Detroit. I wanted to see where my grandparents grew up, where family members were buried, hear stories about what they did for fun, where they worked, and anything else that came up along the way. It was such an interesting day and it was so fun to try and visualize what Detroit looked like when my grandparents were growing up.
Any advice? Best places to see or where eat?
If you’ve never been to Michigan I highly recommend a visit. The summer is great because you can take a swim in a lake but the fall is beautiful when the leaves are turning. Watch at least one sunset or sunrise depending on which lake you’re on. The upper peninsula is a bit of a trek but there is so much history and so much to explore. If you make it all the way to Hancock, MI take a tour of Quincy Mine. Michigan also has some really great beer! I’m a bit partial to Bell’s because I went to school in Kalamazoo (where the brewery is located). Their beer garden in the summer would be a fun place to go. I could go on and on about all the places to see but the best thing is discovering and exploring for yourself. Although if you’re interested to know more just ask.
How do you represent your love for Michigan?
I wear a tiny gold Michigan necklace almost every day. Before I started wearing the necklace I bought a t-shirt with the great lakes on it. It’s still my favorite shirt to wear which is evident from the holes starting to form in the arm pits. Also I talk about Michigan all the time. Whenever I hear anyone say Michigan I nearly always butt in to talk about how awesome it is. It’s how I met one of my friends in Seattle. I heard her mention Michigan and we started talking, she ordered a Michigan necklace from me, and we’ve been friends ever since.
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