A late easter update

April 29, 2014

easter painted toes easter walking
easter cute baby easter ladies in the sun

Ideally this Easter I would have loved to be with my new little nephew who was celebrating his first Easter but I had to just pretend as my sister texted pictures of his cuteness to me. Luckily we were invited to spend the day with some friends of ours (who we spent last Easter with). Before we met up with everyone for lunch I decided to paint cute little flowers on my toes. I was inspired by the flower phone cases I saw in the Moorea Seal shop. Too cute!

It was so nice catching up with everyone especially the newest addition to the group, a new baby girl. If I couldn’t be with my nephew at least I had a cute baby to hold. Hehe. After lunch all the ladies took a walk around the neighborhood and soaked up a little.

Everyone was pretty tired after the walk from a full day of fun and activity so we spent the rest of the day relaxing at home. And guess what?! I managed to get through Easter without eating any Easter candy. And since cadbury mini eggs are the best it was quite the accomplishment.

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