We moved into our new place last September and we were most excited for spring so we could start a garden. Truth be told we could have started a winter garden but I think with our limited gardening experience that may have been too advanced. In march, once it was warm enough for some hardier plants, we purchased some starts, made a few raised beds in the garden, planted them in the ground, and hoped for the best.
Being that we live in Seattle we rarely had to water them but we did go out every night with headlamps to pick the slugs off our tiny plants. All that slug picking paid off because our plants grew so big! After a few days of sun and a day of rain I realized everything looked big enough to collect our first harvest. We ended up with a giant bowl of kale, spinach, and arugula. I think we also ate some of everything with our meal that night. Perhaps it was just me but I think it all tasted a little better since we grew it right in our backyard. I can’t wait for a few of other plants to get big enough to eat. Having a garden is so exciting!