This past weekend I attended the 12th Annual Letterpress Wayzgoose and steamroller smackdown here in Seattle with a friend of mine who also has a love for letterpress. Basically the event is centered around 16 groups who all designed a large print that throughout the day gets printed on large pieces of paper with a steamroller making large prints that eventually get auctioned off to benefit the School of Visual Concepts. Phew that was a long sentence.
The event also included a market where you could buy pretty things and the print shop was open so you could make a free print of your own. It was fun to watch the giant prints being made and it makes me want to take a class now more than ever. It will have to wait though since I’ll be gone for 2 weeks this fall when my nephew is born! I think he’s well worth the wait.
This looks like so much fun!
It was really interesting.