The day when people tell each other how much they care

February 15, 2013

Yesterday I talked about Valentine’s day and how we’re deciding to celebrate, that is on our terms, putting no ridiculous pressure about what the day should be on each other. Instead we decided to turn our dinner into a bit of a scavenger hunt/puzzle. We have to eat anyway right?! I made my clues a day ahead of time and Walker made his right before we went to the store. They equally matched our personality. I overachieved a bit by making extra envelopes and even hand sewing a pouch for all my clues. Walker’s were written on an empty cereal box he cut up and reused (he insists on keeping a few around just in case and he was pumped to be able to use one). Then we headed to the store.


When we got there I felt a little depressed for the ladies/dudes who’s significant others were standing in front of the cards at 6pm at night (where’s the thoughtfulness in that?). I felt much better standing in the spice isle discovering my first clue and being asked what I was making. I replied, um honestly I don’t know, I’m on a bit of a scavenger hunt. They thought it was the cutest thing. And isn’t it? I let them think it was all Walker’s idea-but I’ll tell you-it was mine.


So here I will share the clues with you and you can play along if you’d like. You’ll be especially entertained by Walker’s-he’s good a making up clues (or more like riddles I should say).

My clues:

1. Originally from India
2. It’s green and leafy
3. May taste like anise with a strong pungent sweet smell
Bonus: Comes from the Greek word basileus meaning king.
I need 3-4 handfuls

1. Tend to be expensive
2. I come from a tree
3. I am very small
Bonus: I come out of a cone from a tree
I need 1-2 tsp

1. I am red
2. I come in many varieties
3. I belong to a dangerous family
Bonus: Technically I am a fruit
I need 2 small ones

1. Named after a city in Greece
2. I grown on a tree
3. I contain a pit but in this case it’s removed
Bonus: I am dark purple

1. I come fresh or in a block
2. In some cases I’m considered stringy
3. I am white
Bonus: I’m used in Italian dishes
I need 1 ball

1. I grow up under ground
2. You can eat my leaves
3. I stain your fingers
Bonus: I’m best when pickled
I need 3-4

Did you guess right? Here are my answers (1. Basil 2. Pine nuts 3. Tomatoes 4. Kalamata olives 5. Fresh mozzarella 6. Beets)


Walker’s clues:

1. Could be on cave people’s hands
2. Purple dirt dwellers
3. Could make violet vodka
4. You won’t find these in Idaho
I need a few

1. It “grows” on a tree and the ground
2. Not the best fertilizer to “ade” your garden
3. Usually in Thai soups
4. Wouldn’t want lemonade with this herb
I need square root of 4=2

1. Seed that sounds like what separates water and pasta
2. Seed name is not plant name
I need 1/2 plus 4/8 TBS

1. A “sexy” veggie
2. “long” and “ridged” and “bumpy”
3. Good with gin
I need 9 squared minus 80=1

1. Sounds like a winter Olympic sport
2. My favorite colored tanktop
3. These babies of the mama line up in a roe
4. You wouldn’t want to “bone” this guy
5. One ugly swimmer
1 need (6-2)/10 oz=4 oz

Were his clues trickier or not? Answers-(1. Purple potatoes (fingerlings) 2. Lemon grass 3. Coriander seeds 4. Cucumber 5. Salmon)


Maybe now you’re wondering what did all these ingredients make?! Walker made an appetizer with Salmon on top of cucumber slices and also potato slices. They were really good-I kind of can’t wait to try it again.


I made pesto pizza with a side of “pickled” beets! I had the dough secretly rising at home so he had no idea what I was making. It all tasted so good and it was really funny talking about our clues and when we figured it out or thought we had. I almost got salmon eggs instead of salmon. We finished off our night with a game. I think it was the best Valentine’s day yet! I think we’ll be using this one again for another date night. It was super fun.

{Ha! It’s a heart!}


2 thoughts on “The day when people tell each other how much they care

  1. Chris

    sounds like fun-Thanks I was one of those guys at the card rack. A dollar card, a box of chocolates and a plastic rose form 7/11.


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