Days at alt summit

January 30, 2014

My days at ALT were filled to the brim! On the first day I was up around 7:40 so not too early but the second morning there was a PNW blogger meetup at 8 am! Ah! The first morning started with Garance Dore as our keynote and the second morning we eased into things with roundtables. Between all of the classes I would visit with the sponsors and have laughs with all of my new ALT friends. There were just so many great things going on it was hard to split my time wisely. I think overall I made some pretty good choices though.

^styling boards with Minted-this was fun I just wish all the prints belonged to me.IMG_3531
^I ran into a gal who was carrying about a Rouge and Whimsey original!IMG_3532
^Hanging around with the goodly blog ladies and we ran into Caitlin of Lady Hue.IMG_3556
^I met Megan and we had some great conversations-also she’s wearing the Utah pin I handed out with my business cards. DSC_0952
^Garance DoreDSC_0971 DSC_0972
^Chatting with Cricut-their new cutting machine is kind of awesome! DSC_0973^a pair of glasses cut out by the new machine and I’m being silly.alt friends alt jacqeline
New friends! Mandy and Jacqueline.

One thought on “Days at alt summit

  1. Mandy Pellegrin

    Yay for new friends! And you should most definitely see about getting a pair of those glasses. They look great on you!


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