Cabin camping in the olympic peninsula

March 10, 2014

olympic peninsula cabin 1 olympic peninsula jessica olympic peninsula shell
olympic peninsula beach olympic peninsula beach 2 olympic peninsula campfire olympic peninsula outhouse
olympic peninsula jessica 3

While my dad was visiting last month I suggested we head out to the Olympic peninsula since it had been on our list since we moved out here but hadn’t made the trek yet. I let my dad pick our location and I think we were all pretty pleased. The cabin itself didn’t have the charm that the Cama beach cabins had but it did have a wood stove, a fire pit outside, and we had our own private beach. The cabin wasn’t right along the water but it was perched up on top of a bluff which made for good water viewing.

While at the cabin we wandered the beach looking for oddities oh which there were plenty but mostly in the form of seaweed. Walker and I collected a handful each of tiny round rocks to take the place of marbles in the Chinese checkers game in the cabin. We were also there over Valentine’s weekend so I sent both Walker and my dad on scavenger hunt around the cabin. That was pretty funny.

We enjoyed fires inside and an outside fire by day in the rain with the sun shining which was a bit odd. We were also lucky enough to get a full moon on clear night. We explored the beach by moonlight, which I found to be a bit more ominous than by day. Walker talked me into walking to the end of a the rock barrier and when were we splashed by a wave at the end I was pretty much done with that. But I suppose I was glad I did it anyhow.

More adventures from this trip coming this week…

2 thoughts on “Cabin camping in the olympic peninsula

  1. Maude

    Lovely pictures! I am planning a trip to the Peninsula next month and would love to have information about this cabin. Thank you!

  2. ohsoantsy

    This is way overdue but hopefully you found some amazing things to do while you were there! My dad actually planned the trip so I’m not quite sure of the details.


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