28 days of hair

March 4, 2013

Remember my earlier post about my January (red) lips? I mentioned that for the month of February I was going to be styling my hair differently every day and I did! I found inspiration in pinterest, on the street, in movies and shows, and around the webs. The excitement came in waves. Some days I had so much fun and tried multiple styles and other days I got a little sick of styling it and wanted to do nothing at all. I made it through though. I did find quite a few new dos that I love and will be doing again for the upcoming wedding season (we have 4 this year).

Most of the these styles I chose because they worked really well with fine and straight hair so if you have similar hair I highly suggest a few of these. I hope you find some you styles. If you do let me know! I’d love to hear. Or maybe you have some I can try. Even though February is over I am still on the lookout for fun new styles.

hair 1
1. fishtail on the side
2. sideways french braid across the back
3. inverted half up and down
hair 2
4. low ponytail
5. fishtail braids on each side
6. I was dressed as Audrey Hepburn-hence the eyebrows-so character hair?
hair 10
7. 3 braids braided and then pinned up-this was on of my favorites
hair 38. french braid around my head and pinned in front
9. a bow
10. upside down french braid and bunhair 411. two twisted ponytails
12. braided bun
13. inverted ponytail pinned uphair 514. to side buns
15. knotted sections pinned in back
16. twisted ponytails pinned up sideshair 9
17. knotted sides pinned up the side
hair 618. 3 side braids braided into a bun with front section braided and twisted around
19. half up/half down side braids pinned into a bun
20. front section twisted and pinned back
hair 721. front braided and wrapped around back and pinned at other side
22. two side braids pinned up the sideshair 823. inverted low ponytail
24. high ponytail
25. just plain down
hair 11
26. a weird texture I tried outDSC_1493
27. spiral curls I’ve been seeing and I love how they turned out
28. (not pictured) messy twists pinned in back

Interested to see what I’ll be doing for all of March? Check in here tomorrow, maybe you’ll want to join in. To make sure you’re in the loop sign up below for the newsletter!

4 thoughts on “28 days of hair

        1. Jessica Post author

          I used my regular curling iron but I think they make tapered hot rods that don’t have the clamp part which would probably be a little easier.


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